Saturday, 17 August 2013

Avalon, a new poem from Artyfax

Glastonbury abbey (public domain)

AVALON by john dyhouse

If you should visit Avalon
That Fair Isle in the west,
You’ll find King Arthur’s Spirit there
Though’ he, long since laid to rest.

It lives in every tree and hill,
In every path and stream.
It’s magic, strong and welcoming
To every man who dreams.

Inspired and rested, travel on
But know you will return.
For the mysteries call out to you,
“Come back, take heed and learn”.

The Abbey, Tor, and Chalice Well
Are three sites you will know?
But the Spirit lives most everywhere;
Through all time, in ev’ry place you go.

Here, find yourself or find a cause
That you can make your own.
Just bind yourself to Avalon
And answers sought, shall to you be shown.

So should you visit Avalon?
That fair and magic Isle;
Take heed and give yourself a chance
To stay and rest awhile.

This was written after a weekend spent away from home. A chance to relax after a very difficult and busy start to the year. Glastonbury ( known for many things other than the pop festival) is a lovely town associated with hippies, new age and eastern religions. But there are a number of christian churches and congregations there also.

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